If you are locuming as a specialist then you should continue to perform whatever continuing professional development (CPD) requirements are expected of you in that specialty and under your college. 

You should also consider whether your locum work is taking you out of your normal scope of practice and whether you need to tailor your CPD program accordingly.

If you are not a qualified specialist then you will need to actively consider your CPD. 

The Medical Board assumes that doctors working as pre-vocational trainees and trainees under a college program are doing sufficient CPD. 

But once you are not in formal training the Medical Board expects that you will put together a plan and requires a self-directed program of at least 50 hours of CPD to be completed in an annual period from 1 October to 30 September each year. 

The 50 hours must include a mandatory practice-based self-assessed reflective element/activity of either: a clinical audit, OR a peer review OR a performance appraisal.